The Greatest Risk Of All A Personal Testament of a Spiritual Quest to seek the Truth【電子書籍】[ stanley cohen ]

The Greatest Risk Of All A Personal Testament of a Spiritual Quest to seek the Truth【電子書籍】[ stanley cohen ]

<p>I would like to introduce you to a novel about one man's journey to seek the truth about salvation.</p> <p>The reader will be exposed to an aging Jewish man, raised in New York who now finds himself living in Russellville, Arkansas and coping with gut wrenching decisions he feels compeled to make concerning his faith. He is not alone in this spiritual quest as he is now in the company of a Christian Arkansas coalminer's daughter, who feels right at home in the "Bible Belt" and who is also open- minded to learn about Messianic Judaism and Jeshua (Jesus); the Messiah.</p> <p>Our "hero" has been accustomed to taking risks all his life and when he lost, money was involved. But, this is different. This would be his greatest risk of all....for if he is wrong he could lose his soul.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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